jsf - Primefaces Outputpanel deffered=true -

<h:form id="linkpanel"> <p:commandlink id="testpanle" value="test" update="contentoutputpanelid"/> </h:form> ... <h:form id="rerenderform">  <p:outputpanel id="contentoutputpanelid" deferred="true"  style="padding:5px;">   <ui:include src="/pages/test.xhtml"/> </p:outputpanel> <h:form> 

when press press commandlink button update , contentoutputpanelid , include test.xhtml. doubt without deferred="true" not include page when press refresh page works fine.otherwise givent defferred="true" works fine.

you're justified in suspicion:

ui:include taghandler, while p:outputpanel uicomponent. taghandler evaluated , resolved @ view-build time, when component tree of view being setup (basically, deciding what's going be in page). component, on other hand, evaluated @ view-render, has markup interpretation

what means @ time ui:include being evaluated, p:outputpanel not in picture , therefore, not able affect processing. inclusion happen.

taghandlers evaluated on fresh-page loads however, not on postback, doesn't matter anymore @ point


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