playframework - Play Java 2.3.8 deduplicate on sbt-assembly -
the question: why ignoring mergestrategy.first?
i've made minor application within play framework using version 2.3.8 according official documentation can add line addsbtplugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.12.0")
to plugin.sbt , add few (see code below) use activator assembly
this seems working there deduplicate conflict. happens strangely file serverwithstop.class. in build.sbt there assemblemergestrategy class. exact copy of official documentation.
case "play/core/server/serverwithstop.class" => mergestrategy.first case other => (assemblymergestrategy in assembly).value(other)
i've added few lines found fix spring.tooling deduplicates (which can found again in full sbt). understand principles; hashing sha-1 compare classes merge according behaviour, understand doesn't understand duplicates seem different serverwithstop.class.
what dont understand (and question): why ignoring mergestrategy.first?
name := """movierequest""" version := "1.0" lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enableplugins(playjava) scalaversion := "2.11.1" librarydependencies ++= seq( javajdbc, javaebean, cache, javaws, "mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.35" ) mainclass in assembly := some("play.core.server.nettyserver") fullclasspath in assembly += attributed.blank(playkeys.playpackageassets.value) assemblyexcludedjars in assembly <<= (fullclasspath in assembly) map { cp => cp filter {x =>"sbt.*") ||".*macros.*")} } // exclude commons-logging because conflicts jcl-over-slf4j librarydependencies ~= { _ map { case m if m.organization == "" => m.exclude("commons-logging", "commons-logging") case m => m }} assemblymergestrategy in assembly := { case x if assembly.isconfigfile(x) => mergestrategy.concat case pathlist(ps @ _*) if assembly.isreadme(ps.last) || assembly.islicensefile(ps.last) => mergestrategy.rename case pathlist("meta-inf", xs @ _*) => (xs map {_.tolowercase}) match { case ("" :: nil) | ("index.list" :: nil) | ("dependencies" :: nil) => mergestrategy.discard case ps @ (x :: xs) if ps.last.endswith(".sf") || ps.last.endswith(".dsa") => mergestrategy.discard case "plexus" :: xs => mergestrategy.discard case "spring.tooling" :: xs => mergestrategy.discard case "services" :: xs => mergestrategy.filterdistinctlines case ("spring.schemas" :: nil) | ("spring.handlers" :: nil) => mergestrategy.filterdistinctlines case _ => mergestrategy.deduplicate } case "asm-license.txt" | "overview.html" => mergestrategy.discard // take first serverwithstop because it's packaged 2 jars case "play/core/server/serverwithstop.class" => mergestrategy.first case other => (assemblymergestrategy in assembly).value(other) }
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