C# Dynamic array -

i want array contain strings, floats , ints can accessed via index key.

i have example in lua how don't know how in c#

bookarray = []; bookarray[1] =  {     name = "book 1";     price = 50;     wpp = 374;     pages = 42; } 

you may create class , use list<myclass>

class myclass {     public string name {get;set;}     public double price {get;set;}     public int pages {get;set;} } 

here list:

list<myclass> values = new list<myclass>(); 

adding item

values.add(new myclass(){name = "book 1", pages = 42, price=50.0}); 

insert @ specific index:

values.insert(0,new myclass(){name = "book 2", pages = 432, price=10.0}); 

retrieve @ specific index:

myclass theclass = values[1]; 


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