git - Cloning a private Github repo as a collaborator when I have multiple accounts -

i have 2 github accounts:



in account2 i'm added collaborator of repo:


i've created , added new ssh key second account, , added on github.

host   hostname   user git   identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa  host github-new   hostname   user git   identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_new 

now, if try work on 1 of personal repositories of account2, works fine. when try clone repo of i'm collaborator, doesn't work.

basically, i'm doing trying execute command:

git clone --bare git@github-new:account_notmine/repo_xyz.git 

and error gives me is:

cloning bare repository 'repo_xyz.git'... warning: permanently added ',' (rsa) list of known hosts. error: repository not found. fatal: not read remote repository.  please make sure have correct access rights , repository exists. 

what doing wrong?

i had problem in past tried solve:

error: repository not found. fatal: remote end hung unexpectedly 

i've been told common reason of happening because of spelling mistakes in repository name (case-sensitive), repo exists? bad permissions view repo or in rare circumstances, bad ssh access-settings repository.

i found answer here github: error: repository not found. fatal: remote end hung unexpectedly (different similar posts apparently).

i hope it's helpful in way.. :)


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