javascript - AngularJS directive conditionally based on controller variable -

i want display error message invalid login credentials whenever user tries logs in through non-matching username , password combination (through request server, returns status invalid login details in case). have created directive same:

app.directive('invalid', function ($compile) {     return {         scope: true,         restrict: 'a',         link: function link(scope, element) {             element.bind('submit', function (){                 var text = '<div class="uk-alert uk-alert-danger" ng-if="invalidcredentials"><p>invalid username or password</p></div>';                 el = $compile( text )( scope );                 element.append(el);             });         }     } }); 

(notice ng-if on appended element)
have applied directive form element in following manner:
<form invalid name="loginform" ng-submit="loginuser(logindetails);" novalidate>

whenever user credentials invalid (checked through request made server), variable $scope.invalidcredentials set true (inside global controller).

it's working fine except fact directive triggers each time form submitted. [no matter value of $scope.invalidcredentials]. ng-if doesn't seem work.

please help. in advance

you used element.bind('submit', function () { ... } function called every time form submitted.

in function compile , append html is, regardless of ng-if in it. want forego directive @omri said, , put html code in form, so:

<form name="loginform" ng-submit="loginuser(logindetails);" novalidate>     ...     <div class="uk-alert uk-alert-danger" ng-if="invalidcredentials">         <p>invalid username or password</p>     </div> </form> 

now <div> show whenever invalidcredentials true.

note: use directives when have dom manipulation on element, or when element comes multiple times in code. in example assume use section once(on login page) there no need directive.


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