extjs - CQ custom content finder tab is not working properly -

i followed below steps add new tab in content finder retrieve article pages using "geometrixx-media/templates/media-article-page." template under /content/geometrixx-media

  • created new node under /apps of type sling:folder (/apps/wcm/extensions/contentfinder).
  • added below 2 properties new node(contentfinder) extensiongroup="tabs"contentfinder & extensiontype="contentfinder_extension"
  • copied 1 of files (pages.js) in /libs/wcm/extensions/contentfinder folder /apps/wcm/extensions/contentfinder
  • renamed aritles.js , changed "id" attribute , made below changes retrieve article pages of template type "geometrixx-media/templates/media-article-page."

script file location placed: /apps/wcm/extensions/contentfinder

file name: articles.js


 { "tabtip": cq.i18n.getmessage("articles"), "id": "cftab-articles", "iconcls": "cq-cft-tab-icon pages", "xtype": "contentfindertab", "ranking": 11, "allowedpaths": [     "/content/*",     "/etc/scaffolding/*",     "/etc/workflow/packages/*" ], "items": [     cq.wcm.contentfindertab.getqueryboxconfig({         "id": "cftab-articles-querybox",         "items": [             cq.wcm.contentfindertab.getsuggestfieldconfig({"url": "/bin/wcm/contentfinder/suggestions.json/content"})         ]     }),     cq.wcm.contentfindertab.getresultsboxconfig({         "itemsddgroups": [cq.wcm.editbase.dd_group_page],         "items": {             "tpl":                 '<tpl for=".">' +                         '<div class="cq-cft-search-item" title="{pathencoded}" ondblclick="cq.wcm.contentfinder.loadcontentwindow(\'{[cq.http.encodepath(values.path)]}.html\');">' +                                 '<div class="cq-cft-search-thumb-top" style="background-image:url(\'{[cq.wcm.contentfindertab.thumbs_url(values, 48, 48)]}\');"></div>' +                                      '<div class="cq-cft-search-text-wrapper">' +                                         '<div class="cq-cft-search-title">{[cq.shared.xss.getxsstablepropertyvalue(values, \"title\")]}</div>' +                                     '</div>' +                                 '<div class="cq-cft-search-separator"></div>' +                         '</div>' +                 '</tpl>',             "itemselector": cq.wcm.contentfindertab.details_itemselector         },         "tbar": [             cq.wcm.contentfindertab.refresh_button         ]     },{         "url": "/bin/wcm/contentfinder/page/view.json/content/geometrixx-media"     }, {         "baseparams": {             "type": "cq:page",             "query": "\"cq:template\":\"geometrixx-media/templates/media-article-page\""         }     }) ]  } 

now new tab(articles) tab getting added first time showing article pages if click on other tab , click on articles tab displaying pages(article pages , other pages also).

first time when clicked on articles tab showing below results: enter image description here

if clicked on other tab(documents) , clicked on articles tab showing below results: enter image description here

i have created custom content-finder tab per use-case display youtube videos in dam. blog can out. https://chanchal.wordpress.com/2013/06/26/how-to-add-your-own-content-finder-tab-in-cq5/

firstly, issue seems change ranking "ranking": 10, may conflicting other should work,also clarity add custom icon "iconcls": "cq-cft-tab-icon *iconname(for me youtube)*", might need set structure follows : enter image description here

enter image description here


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