lua - Instance of C# class with NLua -

i'm trying create instance of c# class within lua file using nlua

here's code.

class program {     public static void main (string[] args)     {          lua lua = new lua();         lua.loadclrpackage();          lua.dostring(@"                         import ('luatest.exe', 'luatest')                         test = test()                     ");     } }  public class test {     public test()     {         console.writeline("it worked");     } } 

but doesn't seem work, i've looked around , tried number of different ways. error ways i've tried this:

an unhandled exception of type 'nlua.exceptions.luascriptexception' occurred in nlua.dll additional information: [string "chunk"]:3: attempt call global 'test' (a nil value)

it's bit odd because straight out of example code?

thanks guys.

bit of rant:

if i'm doing incredably wrong please let me know. on side note i'm using pure c# build, not sure if makes difference here or not, didn't see warnings it? whole thing seems undocumented...

if has suggestions better pure c# lua library i'm ears.

i sorry that. readme file wrong.

just remove ".exe" , shuold work fine

class program {     public static void main (string[] args)     {          lua lua = new lua();         lua.loadclrpackage();          lua.dostring(@"                         import ('luatest', 'luatest')                         test = test()                     ");     } }  public class test {     public test()     {         console.writeline("it worked");     } }

i've fixed readme


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