ruby on rails - Problems to seach ActsAsTaggableOn with sunspot -

i've setup sunspot , i'm searching fine in field

now want search "acts taggable" tags

i've setup 2 contexts taggable, categories

with model , controller i'm not getting errors when search tag name sunspot doesn't return results.

i've run rake sunspot:reindex , rake sunspot:solr:reindex no change.

when run place.last.categories in rails console 1 array ["category one","category 2"]


class place < activerecord::base   extend friendlyid   friendly_id :name, use: :slugged    searchable :auto_index => true, :auto_remove => true      text :name, :stored => true     string :category_list, :multiple => true, :stored => true   end     acts_as_votable      acts_as_mappable :default_units => :kms,                    :lat_column_name => :latitude,                    :lng_column_name => :longitude     validates_presence_of :name , :state, :city, :neighborhood, :adress,:latitude, :longitude    belongs_to :user    acts_as_ordered_taggable_on :categories, :obstacles    end 


class placescontroller < applicationcontroller   before_action :set_place, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy, :upvote, :downvote, :favorite]   before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:index, :show]    # /places   # /places.json   def index     @search =       fulltext params[:search]     end       @places = @search.results   end 

in case should add searchable block in tag memory,the tag model may have assoiations,if want know more how index rails associations,you may checkout this


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