javascript - Angular js dynamic grid headers after importing JSON data -

from following code, the grid having columns name, gender , company.

now how dynamically change grid column names : want firstname instead of name

 <!doctype html>  <html ng-app="app">   <head>    <script src=""></script>    <script src="">     </script>   <script src=""> </script>   <script src=""></script>   <script src=""></script>   <script src=""> </script>   <script src="/release/ui-grid-unstable.js"></script>   <script src="/release/ui-grid-unstable.css"></script>   <script>     var app = angular.module('app', ['nganimate', 'ngtouch', 'ui.grid', 'ui.grid.importer']);      app.controller('mainctrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$interval', function ($scope, $http, $interval) {     $ = [];     $scope.gridoptions = {     enablegridmenu: true,     data: 'data',     importerdataaddcallback: function ( grid, newobjects ) {     $ = $ newobjects );     },    onregisterapi: function(gridapi){     $scope.gridapi = gridapi;    }   };   }]);  </script>   </head>    <body>      <div ng-controller="mainctrl">       <div ui-grid="gridoptions" ui-grid-importer class="grid"></div>      </div>   </body>  </html> 

suppoese json file

[{   "name":"john smith",   "gender":"male",   "company":"testicon"  },  {   "name":"jane doe",   "gender":"female",   "company":"fasttruck"  }] 

from following code, the grid having columns name, gender , company.

now how dynamically change grid column names : want firstname instead of name

guys please me in sorting this?

i guess want:

columndefs: [    { field: 'name', displayname: 'firstname' },    { field: 'gender' },    { field: 'company' } ] 


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