android - OnCreate not called on Activity -

i've created abstractactivity , abstractformactivity rid of boilerplate code, content may irrelevant question, post anyway, maybe misunterstood so, there are:

public abstract class abstractactivity extends actionbaractivity {      protected objectgraph graph;      @inject     public bus bus;      @inject     public app app;      @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate, persistablebundle persistentstate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate, persistentstate);         setcontentview(getlayout());         setupinjection();     }      public void setupinjection() {         graph = ((app) getapplication()).createscopedgraph(getmodule());         graph.inject(this);         bus.register(this);         butterknife.inject(this);     }      protected abstract object getmodule();     protected abstract int getlayout(); } 


public abstract class abstractformactivity<t extends entidadebase> extends abstractactivity implements form<t> {      protected t entity;     protected map<view, boolean> formvalidations;     protected abstractformactivity() {        formvalidations = new hashmap<view, boolean>();     }      @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate, persistablebundle persistentstate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate, persistentstate);     }      protected boolean passedvalidations() {         (view key : formvalidations.keyset()) {             if (!formvalidations.get(key)) {                 return false;             }         }         return true;     }      protected void validateandsolidify() {         if (passedvalidations()) {             solidify();         }         entity = null;     }      @override     public void validatemorecomplexfields() {     } } 

finally i've created implementation of mother activities:

public class mercadoriaformactivity extends abstractformactivity<mercadoria> {  ...     @override    public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate, persistablebundle persistentstate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate, persistentstate);     }  ...  } 

my problem oncreate method not called.

any highly appreciated.

oncreate() version using added in android 21. should use version below instead:

protected void oncreate (bundle savedinstancestate) 


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