.NET Webbrowser CSS3 not working -

i have created program in .net edit html code , view in realtime, , work pretty good, there's problem: since used webbrowser control doesn't work new css, example, if try border-radius doesen't work.

i searched, , found way solve editing key in regedit, in way work in computer, , need program run on other computers don't have privilege run regedit.

i thougth changing control, , tried webkit control, , css3 seems work, there's new problem.

i show page changing html in real time on richtextbox textchanged event, page isn't loaded, , external resource images , other things doesen't work, in webbrowser fixed problem searching img tags , changing attribute, example changed "image.png" "file:///c:\pathofthehtmlfile\image.png".

that worked in webbrowser, doesn't work on webkit... don't know should do...

i'm gonna trying gecko browser soon, know if have idea on:

  • is there way use css3 in webbrowser without editing system registry?
  • why changing images work in webbrowser not in webkit browser?

thanks i'm sure give me ^_^

update: discovered change of image happen correctly in webkitbrowser, problem seems able load image internet, not local image, , seems known problem of webkit control opening local files in webkit .net

but noone answered question in way...

update 2: tryed doing noseratio said in comments (my code this)

private sub setbrowseremulationmode()         dim appname string = system.io.path.getfilename(process.getcurrentprocess().mainmodule.filename)         using key = registry.currentuser.createsubkey("software\microsoft\internet explorer\main\featurecontrol\feature_browser_emulation", registrykeypermissioncheck.readwritesubtree)             key.setvalue(appname, getbrowseremulationmode, registryvaluekind.dword)         end using     end sub     private function getbrowseremulationmode() uint32         dim browserversion integer = 7         using iekey = registry.localmachine.opensubkey("software\microsoft\internet explorer", registrykeypermissioncheck.readsubtree, system.security.accesscontrol.registryrights.queryvalues)             dim version = iekey.getvalue("svcversion")             if version nothing                 version = iekey.getvalue("version")                 if version nothing                     throw new applicationexception("microsoft internet explorer required!")                 end if             end if             integer.tryparse(version.tostring().split("."c)(0), browserversion)         end using          dim mode uint32 = 10000         select case browserversion             case 7                 mode = 7000                 exit select             case 8                 mode = 8000                 exit select             case 9                 mode = 9000                 exit select         end select          return mode     end function 

but... if key correctly created, nothing change. i'm trying simple page like:

<html> <head>   <style>   div{border:1px solid black; height:200px;border-radius:10px;}   </style> </head> <body>   <div>    </div> </body> </html> 

but border not rounded, if while save , open ie it's correctly rounded

update 3: worked @ update2, i'm stupid xd


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