android - Activity doesn't work after starting background download service -

i have developed android app loads data list view database. , there function download audio internet.

i've created service download audio , bind activity. when start download background service , quit activity , restart same activity data doesn't load database.

activity doesn't crash or hangs showing loading dialog.

this happens while download running.

here download service code:

public class downloadservice extends service {  string path,url,filename,folderpath=null; asynctask<string, string, string>  task=null; listenquranactivity lq=new listenquranactivity();  private final ibinder dbind = new dbinder(); notificationcompat.builder builder; notification not; notificationmanager mnm ; public boolean running=false;  //binder     public class dbinder extends binder {         public downloadservice getservice() {              return downloadservice.this;         }     }      //activity bind service     @override     public ibinder onbind(intent intent) {         return dbind;     }      //release resources when unbind     @override     public boolean onunbind(intent intent){          return false;     }  public void oncreate(){     //create service     super.oncreate();     mnm = (notificationmanager)getsystemservice(notification_service);  } public void go(){     if(!running){     task=new download().execute(url);     running=true;     }     else{         toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "try after download complete", toast.length_short).show();} } public void setpath(string newpath,string name){     path=newpath;     filename=name; }  public void seturl(string newurl){     url=newurl; }  public void setdest(string dest){     folderpath=dest; } public void stop(){     task.cancel(true);      toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "download cancelled", toast.length_short).show(); }  public void zipex(){     inputstream is;     zipinputstream zis;     try      {         string fname;         = new fileinputstream(path);         zis = new zipinputstream(new bufferedinputstream(is));                   zipentry ze;         byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];         int count;          while ((ze = zis.getnextentry()) != null)          {             // zapis souboru             fname = ze.getname();              // need create directories if not exists, or             // generate exception...             if (ze.isdirectory()) {                file fmd = new file(fname);                fmd.mkdirs();                continue;             }              fileoutputstream fout = new fileoutputstream(folderpath+"/"+fname);              // cteni zipu zapis             while ((count = != -1)              {                 fout.write(buffer, 0, count);                          }              fout.close();                            zis.closeentry();         }          zis.close();         file file=new file(path);             if(file.exists())file.delete();      }      catch(ioexception e)     {         e.printstacktrace();      }  }           class download extends asynctask<string, string, string> {      /**      * before starting background thread      * show progress bar dialog      * */     @suppresslint("newapi")     @override     protected void onpreexecute() {         super.onpreexecute();          intent notintent = new intent(downloadservice.this,prompt.class);          notintent.addflags(intent.flag_activity_exclude_from_recents|intent.flag_from_background);         pendingintent pendint = pendingintent.getactivity(getapplicationcontext(), 0,notintent, intent.flag_activity_brought_to_front);          builder = new notificationcompat.builder(getapplicationcontext());          builder.setcontentintent(pendint)         .setsmallicon(r.drawable.ic_launcher)         .setticker("downloading "+filename)         .setongoing(true)         .setcontenttitle(filename)         .setprogress(100, 0, true);         not =;         startforeground(url.hashcode(), not);     }  /**      * downloading file in background thread      * */     @override     protected string doinbackground(final string... f_url) {                  int count;                 try {                      url url = new url(f_url[0]);                     urlconnection conection = url.openconnection();                     conection.connect();                     conection.setconnecttimeout(60000);                     // getting file length                     int lenghtoffile = conection.getcontentlength();                      // input stream read file - 8k buffer                     inputstream input = new bufferedinputstream(url.openstream(), 8192);                      // output stream write file                     outputstream output = new fileoutputstream(path);                      byte data[] = new byte[1024];                      long total = 0;                      while ((count = != -1) {                         if(task.iscancelled()){                             running=false;                             lq.deletemyfile(path);                              stopforeground(true);                              stopself();                          break;                         }                          total += count;                         // publishing progress....                         // after onprogressupdate called                         publishprogress(""+(int)((total*100)/lenghtoffile));                         builder.setcontenttext(lq.setpro(total, lenghtoffile));                         // writing data file                         output.write(data, 0, count);                     }                      // flushing output                     output.flush();                      // closing streams                     output.close();                     input.close();                  } catch (exception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                 }           return null;     }      /**      * updating progress bar      * */     @suppresslint("newapi")     protected void onprogressupdate(string... progress) {           // setting progress percentage          builder.setprogress(100, integer.parseint(progress[0]), false);;         mnm.notify(url.hashcode(), not);    }      /**      * after completing background task      * dismiss progress dialog      * **/      @override     protected void onpostexecute(string file_url) {         // check zip file         if(folderpath!=null){             zipex();         }          toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "download complete", toast.length_short).show();          running=false;         stopforeground(true);          intent notintent = new intent(downloadservice.this,mainactivity.class);          notintent.addflags(intent.flag_activity_exclude_from_recents|intent.flag_from_background);         pendingintent pendint = pendingintent.getactivity(getapplicationcontext(), 0,notintent, intent.flag_activity_brought_to_front);         notificationcompat.builder xbuilder = new notificationcompat.builder(downloadservice.this);          xbuilder         .setcontentintent(pendint)         .setsmallicon(r.drawable.ic_launcher)         .setticker(filename +" download completed")         .setcontenttitle(filename+" downloaded");          notification xnot =;           mnm.notify(url.hashcode(),xnot);            stopself();      }  }   public void ondestroy() {       stopforeground(true);      stopself();  } 


and here activity connection

    //connect service private serviceconnection downloadconnection = new serviceconnection(){      @override     public void onserviceconnected(componentname name, ibinder service) {         dbinder binder = (dbinder)service;         //get service         dsrv = binder.getservice();          dbound = true;     }      @override     public void onservicedisconnected(componentname name) {         dbound = false;     } };  //start , bind service when activity starts @override protected void onstart() {     super.onstart();     if(dintent==null){         dintent = new intent(this, downloadservice.class);         bindservice(dintent, downloadconnection, context.bind_auto_create);         startservice(dintent);      } } 

there no other error in activity except this. may there problem in download service.

please me. thanks.

your service not background service, bound service since binding , when quit activity, quit service... that's bound service supposed do.

you need first call startservice , after bind it, background service, calling bind before start making service bound one

//start , bind service when activity starts

@override protected void onstart() {     super.onstart();     if(dintent==null){         dintent = new intent(this, downloadservice.class);         startservice(dintent);         bindservice(dintent, downloadconnection, context.bind_auto_create);      } } 


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