c++ - Drawing large text with GLUT? -
i have created tic-tac-toe game school, , finished. thing have left when wins, want box pop on screen , in big text "x wins" or "o wins" depending on one.
i've found drawing text in opengl complicated. since isn't crucial assignment, i'm not looking complicated or , don't need super nice. also, want change code. also, want size of text variable driven when re-size window.
this text drawing function looks like. draws small.
note: mtext int [2]
data member holds want draw text
void fullgame::drawtext(const char *string) const { glcolor3d(1, 1, 1); void *font = glut_bitmap_times_roman_24; glblendfunc(gl_src_alpha, gl_one_minus_src_alpha); glenable(gl_blend); int len, i; glrasterpos2d(mtext[0], mtext[1]); len = (int)strlen(string); (i = 0; < len; i++) { glutbitmapcharacter(font, string[i]); } gldisable(gl_blend); }
short answer:
you drawing bitmap characters cannot resized since given in pixels. try using stroke character or string 1 of following functions: glutstrokecharacter
, glutstrokestring
. stroke fonts can resized using glscalef
long answer:
actually, instead of printing text character character have used:
glutbitmapstring(glut_bitmap_times_roman_24, "text appear!");
here font size in pixel
scaling not work in direct usage.
please note glutbitmapstring
introduced in freeglut, open source alternative opengl utility toolkit (glut) library. more details in font rendering: http://freeglut.sourceforge.net/docs/api.php#fontrendering
i advice using freeglut rather original glut.
1 - glut`s last release before year 2000 has missing features: http://www.lighthouse3d.com/cg-topics/glut-and-freeglut/
2 - 2 of common glut replacements openglut , freeglut, both of open source projects.
if decide using freeglut should have following include:
#include < gl/freeglut.h>
having said need scaling text, therefore can use glutstrokestring
more flexible bitmap string,e.g., can resized visually. can try:
glscalef(0.005,0.005,1); glutstrokestring(glut_stroke_roman, (unsigned char*)"the game over!");
hope helps!
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