php - Unable to INSERT a row in a table with PDO -
i want insert data table using pdo. looked examples , found need use functions prepare, bind , execute, can not figure out in code doing wrong because inserted nothing , have no error in query or php code.
if($_post){ $account = $_post['account']; $password = $_post['password']; $phone = $_post['phone']; $email = $_post['email']; $stmt = 'insert employer(account, password, phone, email) values(:account, :password, :phone, :email)'; $stmt = $conn->prepare($stmt); $stmt->bindparam(':account', $account, pdo::param_str,100); $stmt->bindparam(':password',$password, pdo::param_str,100); $stmt->bindparam(':phone', $phone, pdo::param_str,100); $stmt->bindparam(':email', $email, pdo::param_str,100); if ($stmt->execute(array('account' => $account, 'password' => $password, 'phone' => $phone, 'email' =>$email ) ) ){ echo "success"; }else{ echo "error"; } }
error detected @jeroen binding twice. can bind "either bind before execute statement or send array parameter, not both"
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(' insert employer (account, password, phone, mail) values (:account, :password, :phone, :mail)'); $stmt->execute( array(':account' => $account, ':password' => md5($password), ':phone' => $phone, ':mail' => $email ) ); if ($pdo->lastinsertid()) return true; else return false;
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