c# - Gridview generate extra column on left -
i using asp.net c#.i have following code code working fine.but problem gridview generate 1 column on left.
<asp:gridview width="96%" cssclass="grdclass" id="grd" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="false" datakeynames="stat_id"> <alternatingrowstyle backcolor="#ffcc99" /> <columns> <asp:templatefield> <headertemplate> <th scope="col">الهاتف</th> </headertemplate> <itemtemplate> <td class="row_style"> <div class="row_style"> <%#eval("phone_num") %> </div> </td> </itemtemplate> </asp:templatefield> </columns> <emptydatatemplate>no record found</emptydatatemplate> <headerstyle backcolor="aquamarine" /> <rowstyle backcolor="#ffffcc" /> </asp:gridview>
please check above code , guide me mistake or how can rid of problem.
you don't need put table element definitions inside grid view, this:
<columns> <asp:templatefield> <headertemplate> الهاتف </headertemplate> <itemtemplate> <div class="row_style"> <%#eval("phone_num") %> </div> </itemtemplate> </asp:templatefield> </columns>
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