numpy - Need explanation about results produced from Python's sci-kit template matching library -
image url:
i read through sample tutorial here on template matching. template matching technique used identify/locate small patch image (aka "template") within larger image. , here easy-to-read documentation explaining input/outputs using template_matching library in python.
now here question. output of template_matching library supposed numpy array consisting of correlation coefficient values. these coefficients supposed values between -1.0 , 1.0 have values > 1.0 in output array. below code using (it's same 1 provided in tutorial):
def template_match(self): #self.main_image screenshot of [this]( webpage taken in selenium #self.template [this]( image image = rgb2gray(imread(self.main_image)) template = rgb2gray(imread(self.template)) result = match_template(image, template) #call scikit library here ij = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(result), result.shape) x, y = ij[::-1] #coordinate positions h_template, w_template = template.shape #height , width of image aspect_ratio = float(w_template)/float(h_template) confidence = np.amax(result)'template coordinates: {0}, {1}'.format(x, y))'image width x height pixel size: {0} || template width x height pixel size: {1}'.format(image.shape[::-1], template.shape[::-1]))'aspect ratio: {0}'.format(aspect_ratio))'confidence-level: {0}\n'.format(confidence)) #filter out images low confidence-levels if confidence < self.min_confidence: return #here confused, according docs, result should array of values between -1.0 , 1.0, yet values > 1 elif confidence > 1:'why confidence value > 1.0? url: {0}'.format(self.template_url)) return return
what trying here keep values correlation coefficient (in case, called "confidence") above threshold, specified self.min_confidence, , reject below threshold. yet reason, template images (such 1 in example) produce correlation coefficient > 1. going on here?
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