haskell - Is it possible to showcase the different strategies of evaluation by modifying this simple reducer? -

i kind prefers learning looking @ code instead of reading long explanations. might 1 of reasons dislike long academic papers. code unambiguous, compact, noise-free , if don't can play - no need ask author.

this complete definition of lambda calculus:

-- lambda calculus term function, application or variable. data term = lam term | app term term | var int deriving (show,eq,ord)  -- reduces lambda term normal form. reduce :: term -> term reduce (var index)      = var index reduce (lam body)       = lam (reduce body) reduce (app left right) = case reduce left of     lam body  -> reduce (substitute (reduce right) body)     otherwise -> app (reduce left) (reduce right)  -- replaces bound variables of `target` `term` , adjusts bruijn indices. -- don't mind variables, keep track of bruijn indices. substitute :: term -> term -> term substitute term target = go term true 0 (-1) target     go t s d w (app b)             = app (go t s d w a) (go t s d w b)     go t s d w (lam a)               = lam (go t s (d+1) w a)      go t s d w (var a) | s && == d = go (var 0) false (-1) d t      go t s d w (var a) | otherwise   = var (a + (if > d w else 0))  -- if evaluator correct, test should print church number #4. main =     let 2 = (lam (lam (app (var 1) (app (var 1) (var 0)))))     print $ reduce (app 2 two) 

in opinion, "reduce" function above says more lambda calculus pages of explanations , wish @ when started learning. can see implements strict evaluation strategy goes inside abstractions. on spirit, how code modified in order illustrate many different evaluation strategies lc can have (call-by-name, lazy evaluation, call-by-value, call-by-sharing, partial evaluation , on)?

call-by-name requires few changes:

  1. not evaluating body of lambda abstraction: reduce (lam body) = (lam body).

  2. not evaluating argument of application. instead, should substitute is:

    reduce (app left right) = case reduce left of     lam body -> reduce (substitute right body) 

call-by-need(aka lazy evaluation) seems harder(or maybe impossible) implement in declarative manner because need memoize values of expressions. not see way achieve minor changes.

call by-sharing not applicable simple lambda calculus because not have objects , assignments here.

we use full beta reduction, need chose deterministic order of evaluation(we cannot pick "arbitrary" redex , reduce using code have now). choice yield evaluation strategy(possible 1 of described above).


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