android - Assigning unique ids to descendants of included layouts -

i have following layouts setup (i omitted irrelevant tags):

main.xml: <include     android:id="@+id/test1"     layout="@layout/mylayout"     />  <include     android:id="@+id/test2"     layout="@layout/mylayout"     />  mylayout.xml: <linearlayout     <edittext         android:id="@+id/myedittext"     /> </linearlayout> 

note particular example crucially oversimplified, actual mylayout.xml complex , contains lot of sublayouts , subviews lot of ids , really not inline main.xml.

so, want reuse layout mylayout.xml multiple times. might notice 2 edittexts have duplicate ids. seemed not problem since use on activity initialization find views test1 or test2 layouts being roots findviewbyid, , after access these edittexts via view objects directly. find butterknife convenient this, code looks that:

class layoutholder {      @injectview(      edittext edittext;      // ...      static layoutholder create(view root) {          layoutholder holder = new layoutholder();          butterknife.inject(holder, root);          return holder;      } } 

the problems emerged when tried change screen orientation: both edittexts restored same state due these non-unique ids. ok, thought, have define ids in values directory , use view.setid method on edittexts. there issues approach though: in particular, have set these ids manually , programmatically each , every view id within mylayout.xml. more, if that, not able access these subviews in uniform way anymore since have different ids (in particular, won't able these nice butterknife injections).

i've come other ways of resolving this, more complex , ugly. so, there nice , generic way accomplish needs? wonder wasn't able find on web, because reusing layouts in order avoid code duplication (xml duplication actually, whatever) seems quite natural thing.

patch around butterknife, support 2 ids this



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