jsf - p:commandLink action only working for first link -

here xhtml code :

<ui:repeat var="clinic" value="#{searchcontroller.clinicsviewlist}">     <h:form rendered="#{clinic.timingslot.size() gt 0 ?true:false}" id="lessslotform">         <p:scrollpanel style="height:55px;overflow:hidden;overflow-x: scroll;white-space: nowrap;">             <ui:repeat var="slot" value="#{clinic.timingslot}">                 <p:commandlink value="#{slot.slottime}"                                action="#{appcontroller.bookappointmentslot(slot , clinic)}"                                disabled="#{slot.active eq 'true'?false:true}"                                style="margin:5px;" >                 </p:commandlink>             </ui:repeat>         </p:scrollpanel>     </h:form> </ui:repeat> 

here <ui:repeat> display different clinics, in side <ui:repeat> display time slots each clinics.

here inside <ui:repeat>, <p:commandlink> has action display time slots clinic.

but here got displayed list of timeslots clinics. when click on 1st clinic timeslots(<p:commandlink>) working fine. 2nd clinic time slots(<p:commandlink>) not working. can 1 tell me reason.

this happing because h:form inside ui: repeat keep form outside of ui: repeat


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