Pass javascript variable to a javascript on a different website -

is possible pass javascript-variable script on site? this:

this code in page on

<script>    var id = 'randomstring'; </script> <script src=""></script> 

how can read var id in script on

update: question wrong, explained in helpful answers @vihan1086 , others.

why never that

you should never declare variables that, has been described here

then what?

on 1 page, do:

window.globals = {}; window.globals.my_variable = 'abc'; 

on script, add:

var globals = window.globals; globals.my_variable;//gets 'abc' 

keep variables safe in global place. can global variables @ once, increasing speed.

don't forget wrap code in like:

(function() {  //code here  })(); 


to make easier made functions:

setsharedvar (name, value) {     if (!"globals" in window) {         window.globals = {};     }     window.globals[name] = value; }  getsharedvar (name) {     if (!"globals" in window) {         window.globals = {};         return null;     } else if (!name in window.globals) {         return null;     } else {         return window.globals[name];     } } 


script 1:

setsharedvar('id', 5); 

script 2:

if (getsharedvar('id') === 5) {     alert('success!'); } 

alerts 'success!'


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