javascript - Request body is undefined for POST request in KOA -
i beginner in nodejs. trying create http server uses koa framework handling http requests. following code server.
app.use(function * (next){ var ctx = this; var resource = url.parse(ctx.request.url, true, true).pathname; switch(resource) { case '/': resource = + '/dist/index.html'; ctx.type = mime.lookup(resource); ctx.body = fs.readfilesync(resource, 'utf-8'); ctx.response.set('access-control-allow-origin', '*'); break; case '/fudge/contact': console.log('============================'); console.log(ctx.request); // no body console.log('============================'); console.log(ctx.req); // no body console.log('============================'); console.log(ctx.request.body) // undefined break; default: resource = + resource; ctx.type = mime.lookup(resource); ctx.body = fs.readfilesync(resource, 'utf-8'); ctx.response.set('access-control-allow-origin', '*'); break; }});
as mentioned in case '/fudge/contact' ctx.request.body undefined. but, when check ctx.request or ctx.req, shows content-length 98(or non-zero).
following output get:
============================ { method: 'post', url: '/fudge/contact', header: { host: 'localhost:9090', 'user-agent': 'mozilla/5.0 (x11; ubuntu; linux x86_64; rv:36.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/36.0', accept: 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'accept-language': 'en-us,en;q=0.5', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', referer: 'http://localhost:9090/', 'content-length': '98', connection: 'keep-alive', pragma: 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache'}} ============================ { _readablestate: { objectmode: false, highwatermark: 16384, buffer: [], length: 0, ... more lines no body. ============================ undefined
following client code: have used httpclient library of aurelia framework.
contactus(){ this.http.createrequest('/fudge/contact') .aspost() .withbaseuri('http://localhost:9090') .withheader('content-type','text/plain') .withcontent('{"heading":this.heading, "firstname":this.firstname, "lastname":this.lastname, "query":this.query}') .send(); alert(`thank you, ${this.fullname}, query has been submitted`); }
the above code javascript - es7 , valid using transpilers babel. point able send post request server successfully, there no body in request. please suggest solution.
versions used: node v0.12.0, koa v0.19.1
koa doesn't parse request body default, need add middleware body parsing, koa-body example:
var app = require('koa')(), router = require('koa-router'), koabody = require('koa-body')(); app.use(router());'/users', koabody, function *(next) { console.log(this.request.body); // => post body this.body = json.stringify(this.request.body); } ); app.listen(3131) console.log('curl -i http://localhost:3131/ -d "name=test"');
koa's philosophy have little possible in core framework, , let people compound system assembling specialized middlewares. have seen, there few different packages parsing request's body, simpler , others have more features/options (e.g. koa-better-body). it's giving choices developer without creating big monolith.
while approach may seem strange @ first, it: allows me choose features need without bloating framework options every possible use case.
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