Querying a Postgres array of integers in Rails -
my model has pg array use store integers
querying using methods found other questions yields errors or gives empty results
mymodel.where("? = (myarray)", 42)
pg::undefinedfunction: error: operator not exist: integer = text
mymodel.where("myarray @> '{?}'", 42)
gives empty results, yet have model 42 1 of ints in array
#<mymodel:0x007f9a77dd5608> { :id => 170, :myarray => [ [0] 42, [1] 43, [2] 58, [3] 61, [4] 63 ]
is there special way query integers(or floats) within postgres array in rails?
the migration
class addmyarraytomymodel < activerecord::migration def change add_column :my_models, :myarray, :integer, array: true, default: [] add_index :my_models, :myarray, using: 'gin' end end
and schema
t.integer "myarray", default: [], array: true
try these:
mymodel.where("? = any(myarray)", '{42}')
mymodel.where("myarray @> ?", '{42}')
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