objective c - iOS edit TextField of Uialertview -


uialertview *alertview = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"name search" message:@"save search as" delegate:nil cancelbuttontitle:@"cancel" otherbuttontitles:@"ok", nil] ;                 alertview.tag = 20;                 alertview.delegate = self;                 alertview.cancelbuttonindex = 1;                 alertview.alertviewstyle = uialertviewstyleplaintextinput;                 [alertview show];  - (bool)alertviewshouldenablefirstotherbutton:(uialertview *)alertview {     if(alertview.tag == 20){         uitextfield *textfield = [alertview textfieldatindex:0];         textfield.text = @"testing";         if ([textfield.text length] == 0){             return no;         }     }      return yes;   } 

i created uialerview textinput mode.i did set textvalue in textbox.it not allow me edit textfield value when alertview appears.what wrong code?thanks in advance

add line : textfield.userinteractionenabled = yes;

after line : textfield.text = @"testing";


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