javascript - ng-change event not working -

i have created custom directive using angular js. have function inside controller i'm trying call on ng-change event text box. function not getting called. here code:

<script>     var delightmeterapp = angular.module('delightmeterapp', []);     delightmeterapp.directive('delightmeter', function () {         return {             scope: true,             restrict: 'e',             template: '<div id="delightmeter"></div>',             link: function (scope, element) {                   newdiv = jquery('<div/>', {                     id: 'delightcontainer',                     class: 'singlenote'                 }).appendto('#delightmeter');                  var appendstring = "";                 appendstring += "<svg width='500px' height='300px' version='1.1' xmlns='>'";                 appendstring += "<g>";                 appendstring += "<text x='100' y='220' fill='black'>0</text>";                 appendstring += "<text x='300' y='220' fill='black'>100</text>";                 appendstring += "<path class='arc' id='arc1' d='' />";                 appendstring += "<path class='arc' id='arc2' d='' />";                 appendstring += "<path class='arc' id='arc3' d='' />";                 appendstring += "<path class='arc' id='arc4' d='' />";                 appendstring += "<path class='arc' id='arc5' d='' />";                 appendstring += "<g class='needleset'>";                 appendstring += "<circle class='needle-center' cx='200' cy='200' r='5'></circle>";                 appendstring += "<path class='needle' d='m 195 198 l 200 100 l 205 202'></path>";                 appendstring += "</g></g></svg>";                  newdiv.append(appendstring);                  document.getelementbyid("arc1").setattribute("d", describearc(200, 200, 100, -90, -56));                 document.getelementbyid("arc2").setattribute("d", describearc(200, 200, 100, -54, -20));                 document.getelementbyid("arc3").setattribute("d", describearc(200, 200, 100, -18, 16));                 document.getelementbyid("arc4").setattribute("d", describearc(200, 200, 100, 18, 52));                 document.getelementbyid("arc5").setattribute("d", describearc(200, 200, 100, 54, 90));                  function polartocartesian(centerx, centery, radius, angleindegrees) {                     var angleinradians = (angleindegrees - 90) * math.pi / 180.0;                      return {                         x: centerx + (radius * math.cos(angleinradians)),                         y: centery + (radius * math.sin(angleinradians))                     };                 }                  function describearc(x, y, radius, startangle, endangle) {                      var start = polartocartesian(x, y, radius, endangle);                     var end = polartocartesian(x, y, radius, startangle);                      var arcsweep = endangle - startangle <= 180 ? "0" : "1";                      var d = [                         "m", start.x, start.y,                         "a", radius, radius, 0, arcsweep, 0, end.x, end.y                     ].join(" ");                      return d;                 }             },             template: '<div id="delightmeter"></div>',             controller: "delightmetercontroller"          };     });     delightmeterapp.controller('delightmetercontroller', function ($scope) {          $ = function () {             alert("called");         }     }); </script> 

following html

<div ng-app="delightmeterapp" ng-controller="delightmetercontroller">     <delight-meter ng-model="delightscore"></delight-meter>     <input id="text1" type="text" ng-change="fun()" /> </div> 

is correct use same controller both custom directive , input control. doing wrong here?


like nexusduck says should never manipulate dom in controller. have reorganized code have dom manipulation in directive , controller call rotate needle function. rotate needle function called in directive.

this html

<div ng-controller="delightmetercontroller"> <delightmeter delight-meter-reference='delightmeterreference'></delightmeter> <input id="txtscore" type="text" ng-model="delightscore" ng-change="delightmeterreference.rotateneedle(delightscore)" />{{delightscore}} </div> 

this directive:

.directive('delightmeter', function () {     function link($scope, $element, $attrs) {          var meter = $element[0];         console.log(meter);          document.getelementbyid("arc1").setattribute("d", describearc(200, 200, 100, -90, -56));         document.getelementbyid("arc2").setattribute("d", describearc(200, 200, 100, -54, -20));         document.getelementbyid("arc3").setattribute("d", describearc(200, 200, 100, -18, 16));         document.getelementbyid("arc4").setattribute("d", describearc(200, 200, 100, 18, 52));         document.getelementbyid("arc5").setattribute("d", describearc(200, 200, 100, 54, 90));          function polartocartesian(centerx, centery, radius, angleindegrees) {             var angleinradians = (angleindegrees - 90) * math.pi / 180.0;              return {                 x: centerx + (radius * math.cos(angleinradians)),                 y: centery + (radius * math.sin(angleinradians))             };         }          function describearc(x, y, radius, startangle, endangle) {              var start = polartocartesian(x, y, radius, endangle);             var end = polartocartesian(x, y, radius, startangle);             var arcsweep = endangle - startangle <= 180 ? "0" : "1";             var d = [                 "m", start.x, start.y,                 "a", radius, radius, 0, arcsweep, 0, end.x, end.y             ].join(" ");             return d;         }          function rotateneedle(delightscore) {             console.log(delightscore);             $('.needleset').css({                 "transform": "rotate(" + delightscore + "deg)",                 "transform-origin": "50% 95%"             });         }          if ($scope.delightmeterreference) {             $scope.delightmeterreference.rotateneedle = function (delightscore) {                 rotateneedle(delightscore);             }         }     }     return {         restrict: 'e',         templateurl: 'components/comp01/comp01.html',         scope: {             delightmeterreference: '='         },         link: link     }; }) 

and controller

.controller('delightmetercontroller', function ($scope) {      $scope.delightscore = 0;     $scope.delightmeterreference = {};   }) 

thanks, shivas


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