assembly - Nasm floating point reading and printing error -
this code wrote reading 2 floating point numbers , stored in memory. load memory , print it. however, i'm getting wrong value first number when printing it. i'm getting correct value second number. dont know going wrong in code. please help.
section .data message1: db "enter first number: ", 0 message2: db "enter second number: ", 0 formatin: db "%lf", 0 formatout: db "%lf", 10, 0 ; newline, nul terminator section .bss f1: resd 1 f2: resd 1 section .text global main extern scanf extern printf main: push message1 call printf add esp, 4 push f1 push formatin call scanf add esp, 8 push message2 call printf add esp, 4 push f2 push formatin call scanf add esp, 8 fld qword[f1] sub esp, 4 fst qword[esp] push formatout call printf add esp, 8 fld qword[f2] sub esp, 4 fst qword[esp] push formatout call printf add esp, 8 mov eax,1 mov ebx,0 int 80h
try use resq instead of resd
f1: resq 1 f2: resq 1
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