c++ opencv redis3m - How to store mat object to redis server and revert it back to mat object -

working around clock trying store opencv mat object redis server using redis3m , getting data same. below code:

//converting mat image object byte , storing in redis server

 mat image;    int size = (int)image.total() * image.channels();     byte * bytes = new byte[size];     memcpy(bytes, image.data, size*sizeof(byte));      connection::ptr_t conn = connection::create();     conn->run(command("set")<<"name"<<bytes); 

// getting mat data redis server:

connection::ptr_t conn = connection::create(); reply r = conn->run(command("get") << "name");  vector<char> vectordata(r.str().begin(), r.str().end()); mat data_mat(vectordata,true); mat image(cv::imdecode(data_mat,1)); 

kindly me this.


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