python - Celery logs on Heroku -
i deployed celery app on heroku, don't see task related information in heroku log (i know tasks executed). far know heroku automatically collects logged stdout or stderr. celery not log stdout/stderr default? or need need implement custom logging? expect @ least see "executing task x" in logs.
if celery workers issuing print statements or using standard python logging classes, should see looks in heroku logs:
2015-04-25t00:25:00.072929+00:00 app[celeryd.1]: [2015-04-25 00:25:00,072: info/beat] scheduler: sending due task contest-winner (app.contest_win)
celeryd replaced whatever named celery worker in procfile. mine looks , can see process label in logging statement above:
celeryd: celery -a app.celery worker -e -b --loglevel=info
of course, have set log level :).
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