xamarin.android - RestRequest in Xamarin over Android -

i'm having same problem reported here: http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/18907/system-net-webexception-error-connectfailure-network-is-unreachable

i upgraded xamarin v3, , working app no longer able access network, not localhost. can see full network access enabled in deployed app on android 4.3 galaxy siii, while emulator works. i've tried both restclient shown below, , httpwebrequest same results. using new project using recipe http://developer.xamarin.com/recipes/android/web_services/consuming_services/call_a_rest_web_service/ gives same result. updated current far can tell.

var client = new restclient(""); var request = new restrequest("api/item/getitems", method.get); var response = _client.execute(request); if (response.responsestatus == responsestatus.completed && response.statuscode != httpstatuscode.internalservererror) {     results = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<ienumerable<item>>(response.content).tolist(); } else {     throw new exception(response.errormessage); } 

the result "error: connectfailure (network unreachable)"

edit: i've updated xamarin 3.11, packages current, , wireless works, going on mobile network returns "system.net.webexception: error: connectfailure (connection refused)".

the update xamarin 3.11 appears have fixed issue. difference between original issue , starting work.


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