iOS: Writing to Bluetooth LE device with NSTimer -
i'm trying write char bluetooth le device, , far has worked, when inside diddiscovercharacteristicsforservice method.
- (void)peripheral:(cbperipheral *)peripheral diddiscovercharacteristicsforservice:(cbservice *)service error:(nserror *)error { if (error) { [self cleanup]; return; } (cbcharacteristic *characteristic in service.characteristics) { if ([characteristic.uuid isequal: char_uuid]) { nslog(@"discovered characteristic: %@", characteristic); [peripheral setnotifyvalue:yes forcharacteristic:characteristic]; _discoveredcharacteristic = characteristic; char c; count++; if (count%2 == 1) { c = 0x0; } else { c = 0x7; } nsdata *data = [nsdata datawithbytes: &c length: 1]; [_discoveredperipheral writevalue:data forcharacteristic:_discoveredcharacteristic type:cbcharacteristicwritewithresponse]; nslog(@"writing value %@ characteristic %@", data, _discoveredcharacteristic.uuid); } } timer = [nstimer scheduledtimerwithtimeinterval:2 target:self selector:@selector(targetmethod:) userinfo:nil repeats:yes]; _repeatingtimer = timer; }
but when move writevalue part method triggered timer, no longer writes value device. why this? doing wrong?
- (void)targetmethod:(nstimer*)thetimer{ char c; count++; if (count%2 == 1) { c = 0x0; } else { c = 0x7; } nsdata *data = [nsdata datawithbytes: &c length: 1]; [_discoveredperipheral writevalue:data forcharacteristic:_discoveredcharacteristic type:cbcharacteristicwritewithresponse]; nslog(@"writing value %@ characteristic %@", data, _discoveredcharacteristic.uuid); }
i new both ios , bluetooth.
i being dumb, , closing connection peripheral after writing.
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