java - connect endpoints-backend and android client with oauth2 -

i have problem when intent authorized android app @apimethod in endpoint. read lot of documentation, didn't resolved problem.

the principal error see in logs googleauthexception: unknown.

i have created project in google developers console, 2 clients_id 1 android , 1 audience/web_id.

my client code in android:

mcredential = googleaccountcredential.usingaudience(this,"server:client_id:"+constants.web_client_id); chooseaccount(); 

in onactivityresult account name:

@override     protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode,                                     intent data) {         super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data);         switch (requestcode) {             case request_account_picker:                 if (data != null && data.getextras() != null) {                     string accountname =                             data.getextras().getstring(                                     accountmanager.key_account_name);                     if (accountname != null) {                         mcredential.setselectedaccountname(accountname);                     }                 }                 break;          } 

then create asynctask call endpoint method , add credentials:

        bpmapiregister.builder builder = new bpmapiregister.builder(androidhttp.newcompatibletransport(),new jacksonfactory(),mcredential)                 .setrooturl(constants.cloud_url)//                 .setapplicationname("bpm");             user user = createuser();             bpmapiregister registerapi =;          try {             return registerapi.create(user).execute();//problem here         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();          } 

the endpoint code:

@api(name = "bpmapiregister",version = "v1",resource = "users", namespace = @apinamespace(         ownerdomain = "",         ownername = "",         packagepath = "" ))  public class userregisterendpoint {      private static final logger logger = logger.getlogger(userregisterendpoint.class.getname());      @apimethod(name = "create",path="users",httpmethod =,             scopes = {backendconstants.email_scope},             clientids = {                     backendconstants.web_client_id,                     backendconstants.android_client_id,                     constant.api_explorer_client_id},             audiences = {backendconstants.android_audience})      public user create(user user, userauth) throws oauthrequestexception { 

the error in execute endpoint method:

04-25 11:00:11.655  19784-19927/ w/system.err﹕ unknown 04-25 11:00:11.655  19784-19927/  w/system.err﹕ @ source) 04-25 11:00:11.655  19784-19927/ w/system.err﹕ @ source) 

to create android client_id, have obtained fingerprint , put package app package).

to create web_id, put 2 url's http://localhost:8080 ,; , our respective redirect url adding /oauth2callback


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