objective c - __cxa_throw in fontWithName:size: -
i have function helvetica neue font on ios 8.3 (though i've had same problem since ~8.0).
static uifont *helveticaneue() { return [uifont fontwithname:@"helveticaneue" size:[uidevice currentdevice].userinterfaceidiom == uiuserinterfaceidiompad ? 30 : 24]; }
this function functions perfectly, first time called, debugger stops, callstack after function looking __objc_msgsend_uncached_impcache
-> __cxa_throw
judging other questions i've read, exception harmless. however, really annoying have hit continue every time hit.
i've tried various synonymous uifont
functions try helvetica neue uifont
object, or making class or instance method, , of them throw exception.
i've read can prevent being hit changing exceptions breakpoint objective-c exceptions, don't want this, because project contains large amount of c++ code, , seems prevent exception breaks in code.
does know how prevent exception being thrown, or how ignore 1 specific exception?
the problem app had framework info.plist file listed provided font listed provided font app (in fonts provided application). removing duplicate fixed issue.
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