javascript - Bookshelfjs where clause on join -

i started using bookshelfjs, , couldn't find clear answer on how following.

consider have following tables:

product -------- id   product_account -------- id product_id account_id   collection -------- id   collection_product_account -------- collection_id product_account_id 

there can many products collection.

i want following

select pa.*, p.* product_account pa  inner join collection_product_account cp on cp.product_account_id =  inner join product p on p.product_account_id = pa.product_id  cp.collection_id = ? 

how able pass in collection id, , return whole list of product_accounts, , products that?

for reference, doing if querying product_account_id

new productaccountmodel() .where({account_id: 1}) .fetchall({withrelated: ['product']}) .then(function(productaccounts) {   return productaccounts.tojson()); }); 

i'm assuming model:

var product = bookshelf.model.extend({     tablename: 'product',     collections: function() {         return this.belongstomany(collection);     } });  var collection = bookshelf.model.extend({     tablename: 'collection',     products: function() {         return this.belongstomany(product);     } }); 

then have switch logic bit. once new product(), can't query related table. can switch it, this:

new collection({id: 1}).fetch({     withrelated: ['products'] }).then(function(result) {     res.json(result.tojson()); }); 

does help?


if necessary, can additionally attach relations model attaching, i.e.:

new collection({id: 1}).fetch({     withrelated: [''] }).then(function(result) {     res.json(result.tojson()); }); 


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