windows - Recursive function call hanging, Erlang -
i teaching self erlang. going until found problem function.
-module(chapter). -compile(export_all). list_length([]) -> 0; list_length([_|xs]) -> 1+list_length([xs]).
this taken out of textbook. when run code using otp 17, hangs, meaning sits shown below.
1> c(chapter). {ok,chapter} 2> chapter:list_length([]). 0 3> chapter:list_length([1,2]).
when looking in task manager erlang otp using 200 mb 330 mb of memory. causes this.
it not terminating because creating new non-empty list in every case: [anything]
non-empty list, if list contains empty list member ([[]]
non-empty list of 1 member).
a proper list terminates this: [ | [] ]
so in mind...
list_length([]) -> 0; list_length([_|xs]) -> 1 + list_length(xs).
in functional languages "proper lists" cons-style lists. check out the wikipedia entry on "cons" , the erlang documentation lists, , meditate on examples of list operations see written in example code bit.
putting whitespace around operators thing; prevent doing confused stuff arrows , binary syntax operators next each other along avoiding few other ambiguities (and easier read anyway).
as steve points out, memory explosion noticed because while function recursive, not tail recursive -- is,
1 + list_length(xs)
leaves pending work done, must leave reference on stack. have add 1 must complete execution oflist_length/1
, return value, , in case remember pending value many times there members in list. read steve's answer example of how tail recursive functions can written using accumulator value.
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