What is the difference between macros and functions in Rust? -
quoted rust blog:
one last thing mention: rust’s macros different c macros, if you’ve used those
what difference between macros , function in rust? how different c?
keep on reading documentation, the chapter on macros!
the biggest difference, me, macros hygenic. book has example explains hygiene prevents, , says:
each macro expansion happens in distinct ‘syntax context’, , each variable tagged syntax context introduced.
it uses example:
for example, c program prints 13 instead of expected 25.
#define five_times(x) 5 * x int main() { printf("%d\n", five_times(2 + 3)); return 0; }
beyond that, rust macros
- can distributed compiled code
- can overloaded in argument counts
- can match on syntax patterns braces or parens or commas
- can require repeated input pattern
- can recursive
- operate @ syntax level, not text level
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