curl - How do I simulate a POST request in PHP -

i working on script process credit cards , company process payments check user ip, country, etc of post request.

lets have following form:

<form method="post" action=""> <input type="text" name="card_holder" value="john doe"> <input type="text" name="creditcard_number" value="65415461171"> <input type="text" name="vcc" value="123"> <input type="text" name="exp_date" value="15/02/2017"> <input type="submit" value="send"> </form> 

in above example user makes post action request directly process payment , grab ip, country, etc.

what want simulate post request action="" in php file , when user press submit button simulate real ip, country.

please not recommend javascript/ajax submit. want hide action post action url source code , process when user press submit button in php file real ip, country, etc simulated in php

the quick way use curl command

curl --data "card_holder=value1&creditcard_number=value2" 

another way chrome extension such postman - rest client


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