loops - Why is this variable not considered a constant? -
the following code wrote test bench simulate decoder (verilog hdl). converts [15:0]ir
. literal byproduct watched well.
all values 0-65535 need tested 16-bit ir
variable. in beginning of loop, distinctly assign ir
0, quartus telling me that:
warning (10855): verilog hdl warning @ controluni_tb.v(20): initial value variable ir should constant
and result following:
error (10119): verilog hdl loop statement error @ controluni_tb.v(23): loop non-constant loop condition must terminate within 250 iterations
the code test bench module follows:
module controluni_tb; reg [15:0]ir; reg clock; wire [25:0]controlword; wire [15:0] literal; total_control_unit_2 dut (ir,controlword,literal); initial begin clock <= 1'b0; end initial begin ir <= 16'b0; end initial begin forever begin #1 ir <= ir + 16'b1; end end initial #65535 $finish; endmodule
your code has no errors. initial
blocks , system functions ($finish
) used simulation (not synthesis). error related synthesis. edited code more readability (your clock zero!) :
module controluni_tb; reg [15:0]ir; reg clock; wire [25:0]controlword; wire [15:0] literal; total_control_unit_2 dut (ir,controlword,literal); initial begin clock = 1'b0; end initial begin ir = 16'b0; forever #1 ir = ir + 16'b1; end initial begin #65535 $finish; end endmodule
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