cloud - How to visible or invisible tab in FormTab Page -

i create formtab page , in case need show or hide tab. tried pxuifieldattribute.setvisibility in rowselected event not work.

use visibleexp property on tab item

or use allowselect

your choice

updated: take ardiscountex using explore source code

public virtual boolean? showlistofitems {get {...};} 

aspx ar209500 form:

<px:pxcheckbox suppresslabel="true" id="chkshowlistofitems" runat="server" datafield="showlistofitems" ></px:pxcheckbox> 

tab item:

<px:pxtabitem text="items" bindingcontext="discountform" visibleexp="datacontrols[&quot;chkshowlistofitems&quot;].value == true"> 


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