php - CSV to XML add more header -

i've got following problem:

i have csv file, can convert xml via php script.

this way, every field goes under same row in xml, , want product_sku field go under different row, example call sku_row.

the csv looks this:

my csv file

the xml looks this:

my xml file

php file code run convert csv xml:

error_reporting(e_all | e_strict); ini_set('display_errors', true); ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true);  function preparexmlname($preparestring) {      $preparestring = str_replace(" ","",$preparestring);     $preparestring = preg_replace('#\w#', '', $preparestring);     $preparestring = str_replace("zspazesz","",$preparestring);     $preparestring = strtolower($preparestring);      return $preparestring; }     $inputfilename    = 'faszom.csv'; $outputfilename   = 'faszom.xml';  // open csv read $inputfile  = fopen($inputfilename, 'rt');  // headers of file $headers = fgetcsv($inputfile);  // create new dom document pretty formatting $doc  = new domdocument(); $doc->formatoutput   = true;  // add root node document $root = $doc->createelement('rows'); $root = $doc->appendchild($root);  // loop through each row creating <row> node correct data while (($row = fgetcsv($inputfile)) !== false) {     $container = $doc->createelement('row');     foreach ($headers $i => $header)         {         $header = str_replace(chr(32),"_",trim($header));         $header = strtolower($header);         if($header==''){ $header = 'empty';}         $header = preparexmlname($header);         if(is_numeric($header)) { $header = "number-". $header; }         //echo "here: " . $header . "<br />";           $child = $doc->createelement($header);         $child = $container->appendchild($child);         $value = $doc->createtextnode($row[$i]);         $value = $child->appendchild($value);         }     $root->appendchild($container); }  header("content-type: text/xml"); $strxml = $doc->savexml(); $handle = fopen($outputfilename, "w"); fwrite($handle, $strxml); fclose($handle);  echo $doc->savexml(); 

how can in php file, let put product_sku fields under different row, separated row in customer data's are?

xml allows group on further level. instead of flat row model:

<rows>     <row>         <product_sku>l162l</product_sku>         <order_entity_id>31</order_entity_id>         <order_customer_firstname>teszt</order_customer_firstname>         <product_qty_ordered>1.0000</product_qty_ordered>     </row> 

you can group further on depending on context of data, example order, product , customer:

<rows>     <row>         <product>             <sku>l162l</sku>             <qty_ordered>1.0000</qty_ordered>         <product>         <order>             <entity_id>31</entity_id>             <customer>                 <firstname>teszt</firstname>             </customer>                         </order>                 </row> 

but depends entirely of want , question don't see reason on why this, or other way nor stands in way whatever want.


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