Serving static HTML files without extension in Django -

i want serve static html files @ development. want every file.html served @ /file.

it's clear in production static files should served via nginx or else.

but how @ development, in elegant way? me amazing index.html @ /, also.

what have now:


if settings.debug:     def index(request):         return render(request, 'index.html')     urlpatterns += patterns('', url(r'^$', index))     urlpatterns += static('/', document_root=settings.base_dir+'/static/') 

and in

static_url = '/static/'  template_dirs = (     os.path.join(base_dir, 'static/'), ) 

i write view handles adding .html , configure urlconf use it.

the view

from django.conf import settings django.contrib.staticfiles.views import serve   def serve_html(request, file_name):     if not file_name:         file_name = 'index'      file_path = '{}.html'.format(file_name)      # use django staticfiles's serve view.     return serve(request, file_path) 

the urlconf

url(r'^(?p<file_name>.*)$', serve_html) 

it important put urlconf last in otherwise, catch all requests , other urlconfs not reached.


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