c++ - Cannot open file glu32.lib -

i created new project in qt 5.4.1 opengl 64 bit. when tried build , run project, link 1104: cannot open file glu32.lib. searched entire pc couldn't find glu32.lib file anywhere neither find opengl32.lib. new qt so, in kits have desktop opengl 64bit automatically detected, side of has exclamatory icon. has icon or have made error?

this error in compile output section

11:27:17: running steps project untitled20... 11:27:17: configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step. 11:27:17: starting: "c:\qt\qt5.4.1\tools\qtcreator\bin\jom.exe"  c:\qt\qt5.4.1\tools\qtcreator\bin\jom.exe -f makefile.debug link /nologo /dynamicbase /nxcompat /debug /subsystem:windows "/manifestdependency:type='win32' name='microsoft.windows.common-controls' version='' publickeytoken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*' processorarchitecture='*'" /manifest:embed /out:debug\untitled20.exe @c:\users\jas\appdata\local\temp\untitled20.exe.4652.94.jom link : fatal error lnk1104: cannot open file 'glu32.lib' jom: c:\users\jas\documents\build-untitled20-desktop_qt_5_4_1_msvc2013_opengl_64bit-debug\makefile.debug [debug\untitled20.exe] error 1104 jom: c:\users\jas\documents\build-untitled20-desktop_qt_5_4_1_msvc2013_opengl_64bit-debug\makefile [debug] error 2 11:27:20: process "c:\qt\qt5.4.1\tools\qtcreator\bin\jom.exe" exited code 2. error while building/deploying project untitled20 (kit: desktop qt 5.4.1 msvc2013 opengl 64bit) when executing step "make" 11:27:20: elapsed time: 00:03. 

can search places in computer have glu32.lib? problem facing due 2 reasons:

  1. the default location qt looking glu32.lib may not have (less likely)
  2. the default location qt looking glu32.lib may have spaces in path name.


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