View not Recognizing the methods of the Model in PHP -
i'm able load model in view method inside model not recognized view. can point out on i'm going wrong. i'm using pip mvc framework
p.s. i'm new mvc.
class model { private $connection; public function __construct() { global $config; $this->connection = mysql_pconnect($config['db_host'], $config['db_username'], $config['db_password']) or die('mysql error: '. mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($config['db_name'], $this->connection); } public function execute($qry) { $exec = mysql_query($qry) or die('mysql error: '. mysql_error()); return $exec; }
my model
class listing_model extends model { public function createnewjob($by) { $result = $this->execute('insert job_listings (by_user_id) values ('.$by.')'); return $result; } }
function create() { $template = $this->loadview('post_jobs_view'); $model = $this->loadmodel('listing_model'); $template->render(); }
if (isset($_post['savejob'])) { $by_user_id = 1111; listing_model::createnewjob($by_user_id); }
first off, haven't created static function, shouldn't calling statically. looks pip loads model instance variable.
$model = $this->loadmodel('listing_model'); $model->createnewjob($by_user_id);
this brings me second point, code seems more fitting controller view. may want how logic should processed in mvc , code appropriate in view.
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