c# - Shooting to the center of the screen -
this code used fire laser straight forward.
using unityengine; using system.collections; public class leftgun : monobehaviour { public rigidbody laser; public audioclip lasershot; float shotspeed = 0.1f; bool canshoot = true; // update called once per frame void update () { if(!engine.escape) { shotspeed -= time.deltatime; if(shotspeed <= 0f) canshoot = true; if(input.getbutton("fire1") && canshoot) { shotspeed = 0.1f; canshoot = false; playergui.ammunition--; audio.playoneshot(lasershot); rigidbody clone = instantiate(laser,transform.position, transform.rotation) rigidbody; clone.velocity = transform.transformdirection(-80, 0, 0); destroy(clone.gameobject, 3); } } }
i fire center of screen (where crosshair is). how can achive that?
example image: http://i.imgur.com/esvsqnd.png
you can use camera.screenpointtoray. ray center of main camera, use:
float x = screen.width / 2f; float y = screen.height / 2f; var ray = camera.main.screenpointtoray(new vector3(x, y, 0)); clone.velocity = ray.direction * laserspeed;
laserspeed public float speed want laser travel at. can change according needs (for code provided, laserspeed 80).
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