decimal - How to express large numbers to the hundredth place in C++ Calculator -
i trying write calculator in c++ basic functions of /, *, -, or + , show answer hundredth decimal place (0.01). example 100.1 * 100.1 should print result 10020.01 instead -4e-171. understanding overflow that's why choose long double.
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; long double getuserinput() { cout << "please enter number: \n"; long double x; cin >> x; return x; } char getmathematicaloperation() { cout << "please enter operator want (add +, subtract -, multiply *, or divide /): \n"; char o; cin >> o; return o; } long double calculateresult(long double nx, char o, long double ny) { // note: use == operator compare 2 values see if equal // need use if statements here because there's no direct way convert choperation appropriate operator if (o == '+') // if user chose addition return nx + ny; // execute line if (o == '-') // if user chose subtraction return nx - ny; // execute line if (o == '*') // if user chose multiplication return nx * ny; // execute line if (o == '/') // if user chose division return nx / ny; // execute line return -1; // default "error" value in case user passed in invalid choperation } void printresult(long double x) { cout << "the answer is: " << setprecision(0.01) << x << "\n"; } long double calc() { // first number user long double ninput1 = getuserinput(); // mathematical operations user char o = getmathematicaloperation(); // second number user long double ninput2 = getuserinput(); // calculate result , store in temporary variable (for readability/debug-ability) long double nresult = calculateresult(ninput1, o, ninput2); // print result printresult(nresult); return 0; }
it not due overflow strange result. doubles can hold numbers in range showing.
try print result without setprecision.
edit: after trying
long double x = 100.1; cout << x << endl;
i see doesn't work on windows system.
so searched little , found:
maybe explanation.
so tried
long double x = 100.1; cout << (double)x << endl;
which worked fine.
2nd edit:
also see link provided raphael
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