ios - Cant Figure Out Why VideoDeviceInput Isn't Being Added To My AVCaptureSession -

everything working fine. outputs added correctly, initialized correctly, camera pops up, etc. thing not working adding video device input capture session or camera , cannot gather why happening.

maybe different set of eyes can catch going on here. appreciate if can take please?

import uikit import foundation import avfoundation   class cameraviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller {      @iboutlet var recordingimage: uiimageview!     @iboutlet var capturebutton: uibutton!     @iboutlet var flipcamerabutton: uibutton!     @iboutlet var switchcapturebutton: uibutton!     @iboutlet weak var cameraview: uiview!      let cameracaptureposition: avcapturedeviceposition = avcapturedeviceposition.back     let session: avcapturesession = avcapturesession()     let totaltime: float64 = 1800               // total time in seconds     let preferredtimescale: int32 = 45          // 45 fps     let minfreespace: int64 = 65999999         // minimum free disk space      var dataobject: anyobject?     var cameracapturedevice: avcapturedevice?     var audiocapturedevice: avcapturedevice?     var moviefileoutput: avcapturemoviefileoutput?     var stillimageoutput: avcapturestillimageoutput?     var videopreviewlayer: avcapturevideopreviewlayer?     var captureconnection: avcaptureconnection?     var wearerecording: bool = false     var beenherebefore: bool = false     var devicesset: bool = false      //**************** view did load *****************     override func viewdidload() {          super.viewdidload()          registerruntimeerror()         registerdeviceconnections()         setsessionpreset()     }      //**************** view did appear *****************     override func viewdidappear(animated: bool) {          //------initialize camera------         if (!self.beenherebefore) {             addinputs()             addoutputs()             setcameraoutputproperties()             startsession()             self.beenherebefore = true         }         else {             println("been here before")         }          self.wearerecording = false     }      //**************** did receive memory warning *****************     override func didreceivememorywarning() {          super.didreceivememorywarning()         // dispose of resources can recreated.     }      //**************** takes photo or video *****************     @ibaction func didpresscapture(sender: anyobject) {       }      //**************** switches capture modes of camera ****************     @ibaction func didpressswitchcapture(sender: anyobject) { //         //        ----------- todo ------------ //             }      //**************** flips camera , forth ****************     @ibaction func didpressflipcamera(sender: anyobject) { //         //        ----------- todo ------------ //             }       //**************** initialize video capture session ****************     func setsessionpreset() {          println("initializing video capture session")          //----- set image quality / resolution -----         //options:         //  avcapturesessionpresethigh - highest recording quality (varies per device)         //  avcapturesessionpresetmedium - suitable wifi sharing (actual values may change)         //  avcapturesessionpresetlow - suitable 3g sharing (actual values may change)         //  avcapturesessionpreset640x480 - 640x480 vga (check supported before setting it)         //  avcapturesessionpreset1280x720 - 1280x720 720p hd (check supported before setting it)         //  avcapturesessionpresetphoto - full photo resolution (not supported video output)         if session.cansetsessionpreset(avcapturesessionpresethigh) {             println("capture session preset set high quality")             session.sessionpreset = avcapturesessionpresethigh         }         else {             //------if failed, set default preset medium------             println("capture session preset set medium quality")             session.sessionpreset = avcapturesessionpresetmedium         }     }      //**************** add capture session inputs ****************     func addinputs() {          println("getting array of available capture devices")          //------grab of devices------         let devices = avcapturedevice.devices()          //------find camera matching position------         device in devices {             if device.position == self.cameracaptureposition {                 self.cameracapturedevice = device as? avcapturedevice                 println("back camera has been added")             }         }          var error1: nserror? = nil         let videodeviceinput = avcapturedeviceinput(device: self.cameracapturedevice, error: &error1)          //------print error if 1 occurs------         if error1 != nil {             println("error1 ---: \(error1?.description)")         }          //------add video , audio input------         println("trying add video input")         if self.cameracapturedevice != nil {             if self.session.canaddinput(videodeviceinput) {                 self.session.addinput(videodeviceinput)                 println("successfully added video input")                 self.devicesset = true             }             else {                 // !!!!!!!!------- video input not being added session -----------!!!!!!!!!!!                 println("could not add video input")             }         }         else {             println("could not create video device")         }     }      //**************** add capture session outputs ****************     func addoutputs() {          //------set jpeg output------         println("setting jpeg output")         self.stillimageoutput = avcapturestillimageoutput()         let outputsettings = [ avvideocodeckey : avvideocodecjpeg ]         self.stillimageoutput!.outputsettings = outputsettings         println("successfully configured jpeg ouput")          //------set movie file ouput max duration------         println("setting movie file max duration")         self.moviefileoutput = avcapturemoviefileoutput()         let maxduration:cmtime = cmtimemakewithseconds(self.totaltime, self.preferredtimescale)         self.moviefileoutput!.maxrecordedduration = maxduration         println("successully set movie file max duration")         println("setting movie file minimun byte space")         self.moviefileoutput!.minfreediskspacelimit = self.minfreespace         println("successfully added minium free space")           //------add jpeg output , movie file output session output------         println("adding still image , movie file output")         if self.session.canaddoutput(self.stillimageoutput) && self.session.canaddoutput(self.moviefileoutput) {             self.session.addoutput(self.stillimageoutput)             self.session.addoutput(self.moviefileoutput)             println("successfully added still image , movie file outputs")         }         else {             println("could not add still image , movie file output")         }     }      //***************** set camera properties here ****************     func setcameraoutputproperties () {          //------init capture connection------         println("initializing capture connection")         self.captureconnection = self.moviefileoutput!.connectionwithmediatype(avmediatypevideo)         println("capture connection succesfully initialized")     }      //***************** register runtime notifications ****************     func registerruntimeerror() {          println("registering runtime errors")         nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: selector("didhaveruntimeerror"), name: avcapturesessionruntimeerrornotification, object: self.session)     }      //**************** register device connection notifications *****************     func registerdeviceconnections() {          println("registering connection notifications")         nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: selector("deviceconnected"), name: avcapturedevicewasconnectednotification, object: self.session)         nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: selector("devicedisconnected"), name: avcapturedevicewasdisconnectednotification, object: self.session)     }      //**************** start capture session ****************     func startsession() {          println("about add session inputs...")         addinputs()         println("start configuring capture")          //------config capture session------         if !session.running {              println("displaying camera in ui")              //------display camera in ui------             self.videopreviewlayer = avcapturevideopreviewlayer(session: self.session)             println("video preview layer set")             self.cameraview.layer.addsublayer(self.videopreviewlayer)             println("video preview layer added sublayer")             self.videopreviewlayer!.frame = self.cameraview.layer.frame             println("video preview frame set")             self.videopreviewlayer!.videogravity = avlayervideogravityresizeaspectfill             println("camera successully can display")              //------start camera------             self.session.startrunning()             println("capture session initiated")         }         else {             println("session running, no need start again")         }     }       /*     // mark: - navigation      // in storyboard-based application, want little preparation before navigation     override func prepareforsegue(segue: uistoryboardsegue, sender: anyobject?) {     // new view controller using segue.destinationviewcontroller.     // pass selected object new view controller.     }     */  } 

i think missing


did errors print? :

println("could not add video input")  println("could not create video device") 


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