unity3d - How do I create an AR marker for Vuforia / Unity? -
this horribly basic question know (!) how create , import ar marker unity? know meant through vuforia marker manager page. have created target database , have downloaded database, how marker display in unity? also: target database? name 'marker'? to answer question specifically, yes marker target. so need is: go license manager . add license key choosing none license plan. now go target manager . create database , add license drop down. add target, , select computer image want marker, , upload it. once status of target changes active can click download database , make sure click unityeditor. downloads .unitypackage now inside unity, go assets > import new assets... , locate .unitypackage downloaded this how import database. if haven't imported vuforia package unity extension need download downloads section , import through assets > import package > custom package now ideally work ar, use ar camera , located in assets ba...