javascript - How to add a docID from one NotesDocument to another using Java Script -

i have lotus script add organization docid contactdoc , work fine achieve in java script

sub addcontactid(contact notesdocument, organisation notesdocument) contact.tmpidstring =  organisation.docid(0)     dim tmp variant tmp = |@setfield("contactorganisationids";@trim(@unique(contactorganisationids:tmpidstring)))| dim flag variant flag = evaluate(tmp,contact)  dim item notesitem set item = contact.getfirstitem("tmpidstring") if not (item nothing)     call item.remove end if end sub 

reverse function:

sub removeorganisationidbyid(contactdocid string, organisation notesdocument)  dim session new notessession dim currdb notesdatabase set currdb = session.currentdatabase dim contact notesdocument set contact = currdb.getdocumentbyunid(contactdocid) if contact nothing exit sub  if organisation nothing exit sub  dim contactorganisationids variant contactorganisationids = contact.contactorganisationids pos = arraygetindex(contactorganisationids, organisation.docid(0)) if not isnull(pos)     contactorganisationids(pos) = ""     call contact.replaceitemvalue("contactorganisationids",fulltrim(contactorganisationids))     call, false) end if end sub 

the following ssjs function should it

function addcontactid(contact, organisation) {     contact.replaceitemvalue("tmpidstring", organisation.getitemvaluestring("docid"));     session.evaluate('field contactorganisationids := @trim(@unique(contactorganisationids:tmpidstring)); field tmpidstring := @deletefield; ""', contact); } 

parameters contact , organisation have of type notesdocument. don't forget save contact document sometime after calling function.


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