javascript - Is there any way to close Magnific when a Vimeo video has finished playing? -
hoping can me. have magnific iframe popup plays vimeo video. however, once finished, i'd automatically close popup. possible via plugin?
my current (working code):
$vimeo.magnificpopup({ closebtninside: false, showclosebtn: false, disableon: 0, type: 'iframe', mainclass: 'mfp-fade', removaldelay: 0, preloader: true, fixedcontentpos: false, callbacks: { beforeopen: function() { cache.$main.addclass('playing'); }, open: function() { $(this.curritem.el).closest('.project__item').toggleclass('playing'); }, close: function() { $('.project__item').removeclass('playing'); }, afterclose: function() { cache.$main.removeclass('playing'); } } });
i have searched web , official magnific api documentation no success.
any or nod in right direction appreciated.
many thanks, mikey.
add iframe markup:
$vimeo.magnificpopup({ closebtninside: false, showclosebtn: false, disableon: 0, type: 'iframe', mainclass: 'mfp-fade', removaldelay: 0, preloader: true, fixedcontentpos: false, iframe: { markup: '<div class="mfp-iframe-scaler">'+ '<div class="mfp-close"></div>'+ '<iframe id="player1" class="mfp-iframe" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'+ '</div>', // html markup of popup, `mfp-close` replaced close button patterns: { youtube: { index: '', // string detects type of video (in case youtube). via url.indexof(index). id: 'v=', // string splits url in 2 parts, second part should %id% // or null - full url returned // or function should return %id%, example: // id: function(url) { return 'parsed id'; } src: '//' // url set source iframe. }, callbacks: { beforeopen: function() { cache.$main.addclass('playing'); }, open: function() { $(this.curritem.el).closest('.project__item').toggleclass('playing'); }, close: function() { $('.project__item').removeclass('playing'); }, afterclose: function() { cache.$main.removeclass('playing'); } } });
add event player:
var iframe = $('#player1')[0]; var player = $f(iframe); player.addevent('finish', onfinish);
"onfinish" function close magnificpopup :
var onfinish = function(){ $vimeo.magnificpopup.close(); }
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