How do I solve unclear iOS crashes in crashlytics? -

this error in crashlytics:

thread : crashed: webthread 0  libobjc.a.dylib                0x344e4f46 objc_msgsend + 5 1  uikit                          0x295ebe51 +[uiviewanimationstate popanimationstate] + 320 2  mediaplayer                    0x278278bb -[mpvolumeslider _layoutforavailableroutes] + 1410 3  mediaplayer                    0x27826505 -[mpvolumeslider layoutsubviews] + 60 4  uikit                          0x295b7023 -[uiview(calayerdelegate) layoutsublayersoflayer:] + 546 5  quartzcore                     0x28fd7d99 -[calayer layoutsublayers] + 128 6  quartzcore                     0x28fd35cd ca::layer::layout_if_needed(ca::transaction*) + 360 7  uikit                          0x295c9c03 -[uiview(hierarchy) layoutbelowifneeded] + 138 8  uikit                          0x295cf0a3 -[uislider setvalue:animated:] + 178 9  mediaplayer                    0x27826bfb -[mpvolumeslider volumecontroller:volumevaluedidchange:] + 78 10 mediaplayer                    0x2788a995 -[mpvolumecontroller updatevolumevalue] + 252 11 mediaplayer                    0x27826613 -[mpvolumeslider didmovetosuperview] + 126 12 uikit                          0x295b5ec1 -[uiview(hierarchy) _postmovedfromsuperview:] + 428 13 uikit                          0x295c072b -[uiview(internal) _addsubview:positioned:relativeto:] + 1498 14 uikit                          0x295c014b -[uiview(hierarchy) addsubview:] + 30 15 mediaplayer                    0x278293e9 -[mpvolumeview _createsubviews] + 236 16 mediaplayer                    0x27828035 -[mpvolumeview _initwithstyle:] + 212 17 mediaplayer                    0x278280c9 -[mpvolumeview initwithframe:style:] + 80 18 mediaplayer                    0x27828073 -[mpvolumeview initwithframe:] + 38 19 uikit                          0x295d7119 -[uiview init] + 44 20 webcore                        0x32568435 -[webmediasessionhelper allocatevolumeview] + 264 21 webcore                        0x325686e7 -[webmediasessionhelper initwithcallback:] + 394 22 webcore                        0x32567811 webcore::mediasessionmanagerios::mediasessionmanagerios() + 172 23 webcore                        0x325676fd webcore::mediasessionmanager::sharedmanager() + 124 24 webcore                        0x3256694d webcore::mediasession::mediasession(webcore::mediasessionclient&) + 32 25 webcore                        0x321f6935 webcore::htmlmediasession::create(webcore::mediasessionclient&) + 20 26 webcore                        0x321e5257 webcore::htmlmediaelement::htmlmediaelement(webcore::qualifiedname const&, webcore::document&, bool) + 1046 27 webcore                        0x3220e3db webcore::htmlvideoelement::create(webcore::qualifiedname const&, webcore::document&, bool) + 38 28 webcore                        0x321d83a5 webcore::videoconstructor(webcore::qualifiedname const&, webcore::document&, webcore::htmlformelement*, bool) + 56 29 webcore                        0x321d7af9 webcore::htmlelementfactory::createelement(webcore::qualifiedname const&, webcore::document&, webcore::htmlformelement*, bool) + 232 30 webcore                        0x31de00bd webcore::htmldocument::createelement(wtf::atomicstring const&, int&) + 88 31 webcore                        0x31ddffff webcore::jsdocumentprototypefunctioncreateelement(jsc::execstate*) + 242 32 javascriptcore                 0x273f6133 llint_entry + 21314 33 javascriptcore                 0x273f5d27 llint_entry + 20278 34 javascriptcore                 0x273f5d27 llint_entry + 20278 35 javascriptcore                 0x273f5d27 llint_entry + 20278 36 javascriptcore                 0x273f5d27 llint_entry + 20278 37 javascriptcore                 0x273f0bdf calltojavascript + 334 38 javascriptcore                 0x273803b5 jsc::jitcode::execute(jsc::vm*, jsc::protocallframe*) + 36 39 javascriptcore                 0x271ccda7 jsc::interpreter::executecall(jsc::execstate*, jsc::jsobject*, jsc::calltype, jsc::calldata const&, jsc::jsvalue, jsc::arglist const&) + 350 40 javascriptcore                 0x272c20dd jsc::call(jsc::execstate*, jsc::jsvalue, jsc::calltype, jsc::calldata const&, jsc::jsvalue, jsc::arglist const&, jsc::jsvalue*) + 64 41 webcore                        0x31dd9d6d webcore::scheduledaction::executefunctionincontext(jsc::jsglobalobject*, jsc::jsvalue, webcore::scriptexecutioncontext*) + 368 42 webcore                        0x31dd9a53 webcore::scheduledaction::execute(webcore::document*) + 114 43 webcore                        0x31dd9475 webcore::domtimer::fired() + 460 44 webcore                        0x31dd8f4d webcore::threadtimers::sharedtimerfiredinternal() + 132 45 webcore                        0x31dd8ea9 webcore::timerfired(__cfrunlooptimer*, void*) + 24 46 corefoundation                 0x25f2aedf __cfrunloop_is_calling_out_to_a_timer_callback_function__ + 14 47 corefoundation                 0x25f2aa5b __cfrunloopdotimer + 650 48 corefoundation                 0x25f28cab __cfrunlooprun + 1418 49 corefoundation                 0x25e75201 cfrunlooprunspecific + 476 50 corefoundation                 0x25e75013 cfrunloopruninmode + 106 51 webcore                        0x31e3e183 runwebthread(void*) + 418 52 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x34bace23 _pthread_body + 138 53 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x34bacd97 _pthread_start + 118 

can explain how start working on crash?

i can't see on page happened or last action user took...

i'm pretty sure has video i'm playing @ beginning of app have no idea what's issue causes crash...

it's bug introduced in ios 8 , fixed in ios 9. here's more info:


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