swift - Adding NSMutableParagraphStyle lineSpacing cause text to not fit UILabel -
i have created normal uilabel , want able add line spacing text uilabel.
although when affects adjustsfontsizetofitwidth , no longer fitted uilabel.
some code have used:
var userquestionsanswer = uilabel(frame: cgrectmake(0, 0, 20, 20)) userquestionsanswer.font = uifont(name: font.gothamblack, size: 15) userquestionsanswer.numberoflines = 0 userquestionsanswer.adjustsfontsizetofitwidth = true var style = nsmutableparagraphstyle() style.linespacing = view.frame.size.height * 0.021 style.alignment = nstextalignment.center let attributes = [nsparagraphstyleattributename : style] var answertext = "this answer" self.userquestionsanswer.attributedtext = nsattributedstring(string: answertext!, attributes:attributes)
can tell why , how around it?
remove nsmutableparagraphstyle
, work. don't know why attribute cause of breaking text font size adjustment.
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