javascript - Data with timestamp group to month(like Jan, Feb, March) and showing as total count for month in Highcharts -

with highcharts, possible draw column chart month wise(like jan, feb, march), data have timestamp, unable group data each month column. code here

xaxis: {         type: 'datetime',         datetimelabelformats: { // don't display dummy year             month: '%e. %b',             year: '%b'         },         title: {             text: 'date'         }     } 

here chart on timestamp want convert monthwise.

it not possible in highcharts, in highstock is. there's option datagrouping can put on plotoptions:

plotoptions: {     column: {         datagrouping: {             forced: true,             units: [['month', [1]]]         }     } } 

this force chart group data in every 1 month. using highstock change of options, can change back.

here's after changing options: jsfiddle

as i've said there lots of options have change same, such legend, rangeselector, navigator, yaxis.opposite , scrollbar.


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